If you have any recent news, pictures, media stuffs, please don’t hesitate to contact me with these fills below and full credit will be given. If you would like to apply for affiliates, please request here and the from isn’t working email me.
Before you fill up the blanks, these are some guidelines you need to know.
- I’m not Emma Stone herself, so do not send me any fanmail or hatemail.
- I’m not related to Emma Stone nor her management.
- Contributions are always welcome.
- No graphics requests or by asking how to make them.
Emy. When you decide to find me and write to me, I will publish again for you. If you do not do it, it’s because you do not care. You choose. I know you can not forget me. Greetings.
super ta nouvelle life AAAAAA moi aussi j ai hate d être get together avec toi beaute
Привет красавица ты супер. 💯👍❤️
you look stunning Emma gorgeous dress
why does hailey steinfield hang out with so many black guys?
do you have tar baby too?
paris hilton has 4 negroid kids
still gangsterest